Viewing wireless from my laptop no problem, using the iPhone app,, alway get a device disconnected warning. Wrote down all info nessessary for inputting in the app for connection. No luck. Does the app actually work?
Viewing wireless from my laptop no problem, using the iPhone app,, alway get a device disconnected warning. Wrote down all info nessessary for inputting in the app for connection. No luck. Does the app actually work?
I have a night owl system and this app is not working. Hmm Now what..
This app is perfect !! I use to be able to view only one camera at a time now I can view four. This is amazing!! I also added my office cameras and can view cameras from both my home and office at the same time. I can also move my PTZ camera to view the employees as they are working. I have seen one of them texting while working and I could take a snapshot from my phone and have a conversation with her when I got to the office. Its amazing how technology can advance so quickly.
I have the Poseidon system from Night Owl and the app works well through my Internet connection on my phone. When I flip over to 3G, it just continually searches and never works. Concerning to me as most of the time when I want to utilize this app will be when I am away from home and dont have a WiFi connection.
This app works great with my night owl system as long as I have wifi but doesnt work at all on 4G or 3G as advertised which pretty much defeats the purpose of buying and installing this system. Hopefully they get it fixed or I just wasted a lot of money.
Helps me and meh family lots
App works perfectly! Now I hope they make an iPad version for the larger, higher def screen.
This is the best app to use with any of the night owl products. It is must more stable and faster then Asee. If you cant get to work you have a setting wrong. This works on wifi 4G 3G and LTE.
This app works with zmodo surveillance system flawless. Gr8 app
Stop fake posting. This does not work on 3g like advertised.
I took someones advice and called support and they helped me set up my network and now app works great even when not hooked up to wifi. Thats all u gotta do. Great job guys
And I hope in V2 a couple of things could be included . 1. Multi- touch functions would be great Ie: swipe to change Cameras, single tap to open single cam 2. Instructions, this is not a simple app and it took a more time to set up than I expected , to much of the app relies on the manual that came with the system. Other thoughts would be helpful to have some kind of check list set up, meaning that real time feed back with what is connected and what needs to be connected. After I got it all figured out ,it is a really good app. And recommend it to anyone using Night Owl systems.
Works perfectly with my 4ch Apollo system.
I think this app needs to be updated, I cannot connect to the Night Owl system on my iPhone 5 :(
This is fantastic. Used tech support to set up system properly to work with my iphone4s. As soon as i entered the provided info on the app page all eight of my security cams popped up. I can even cruise and control my PTZ cam. Couldnt be happier.
Fantastic app!
Got this to work with my iPhone 5c. This old iPhone didnt work with this app was a 3GS.
There is a definite issue with aspect ratio that was not evident in the earlier version. The camera images are skewed. Other that that, this is a great app.
Why do I get this so much. Its a decent app but Im not on it that much. Please fix it or post what this means.
How can I get it to work away from home ughhhhh